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Firmware Co-Design & Development for IP Cores in C++/SystemC using Verilator

Co-design of software and hardware for FGPA-based embedded systems has become a major challenge for tech companies, pushing them to follow development processes that require special care to lower the risks. The risk becomes a major factor for system on chip (SoC) solutions with integrated intellectual property (IP) cores that require custom firmware or driver development. A solution to this problem that has received a lot of interest in the last few years is by simulating the IPs and using them to design and validate the corresponding software stacks. Verilator is an open-source tool that is specifically developed for this purpose to simulate the IPs written in Verilog or SystemVerilog hardware description languages. In this talk, I am going to discuss the following topics for the audience:

  • A brief introduction to SystemC and simulation of logic blocks in C++
  • Common processes for co-design of firmware and FPGA IP cores
  • Introduction to Verilator and using it for creating simulation models from IP cores
  • Protecting IPs by encrypting their simulated models and sharing pre-releases
  • An example workflow for Verilog IP simulation and firmware design in C++
  • Analysis of simulation results with open source tools
  • Real-time simulation of verilated models with QEMU for system integration

The presentation slides are available on SlideShare. My video presentation is available on Embedded Online Conference 2022 website.
